Episode 01: Money Talk for Real People

Episode 01: Money Talk for Real People

Have you worked with accountants or lawyers that use language around money that doesn’t make sense to the average person?We’re here to remove the stigma around money conversations for everybody.

We’re going to focus on how to stop ignoring your money and burying your head in the sand. Taking control of your finances and how you show up in life will give you more energy, excitement, clarity, and confidence!

This season we’re diving specifically into your bookkeeping, accounting, and registration so you really understand how to do it right. We’ll talk about wealth building with regards to building your business, investing in yourself, retirement, family and more, while securing and protecting our bag.

We fill in the gaps and knowledge to help guide our clients towards the goals that THEY want - not what they think they should want. This isn’t your parents’ financial advice!

Join our community at confidentmoneypodcast.com where we’ll share tips and resources, and you can suggest topics for future episodes.

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Music credit: Neon Fairies by Wolves 

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


FTC/Affiliate Disclaimer:

By using some of these links, at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission or referral fee, which helps me continue to produce content like this, support my business, and my team..


I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. My podcast is for educational purposes and is my personal opinion only. To make the best financial decision for your situation, please do your own research and if needed, seek the advice of a fee-based, fiduciary.


Episode 02: It’s Okay To Let Go